Zygomatic Dental Implants

What Are Zygomatic Dental Implants?

A zygomatic dental implant is a tooth replacement placed in the zygomatic bone, which is located in the cheek area of the upper jaw. Zygomatic implants are longer than traditional dental implants and provide additional support for patients with severe bone loss in the upper jaw.

Zygomatic implants are designed to anchor a prosthetic tooth, such as a dental bridge or a denture, in the upper jaw. The implant is surgically placed in the zygomatic bone, which is a stronger and denser bone than the jawbone, allowing it to support the weight of the prosthetic.

Older woman with red hair and sunglasses smiles through pink lipstick, showing off the results of her cosmetic dentistry procedures.

Zygomatic Implant Advantages

The advantages of zygomatic dental implants include:

  • A strong foundation for dental restorations: Zygomatic implants provide strong foundations for restorations such as dental bridges or dentures, allowing patients to regain the ability to speak and chew comfortably.
  • Suitable option for patients with severe bone loss: These implants are an option for patients with severe bone loss in the upper jaw who may not be candidates for traditional dental implant placement. There’s also no need for a bone grafting procedure.
  • Faster recovery: The recovery time after zygomatic implant placement is typically shorter than traditional implant placement, and patients can return to their normal activities within a few days.
  • Long-lasting: When properly cared for, zygomatic dental implants can last for many years, providing patients with a long-lasting solution.
  • Aesthetically pleasing: Zygomatic dental implants offer a natural-looking solution for missing teeth, which can improve patients’ confidence and self-esteem.

Are Zygomatic Implants Commonly Used?

While zygomatic dental implants are a possible treatment option for those with severe bone loss, endosteal dental implants remain the most common option for tooth replacement. Zygomatic implants are considered a specialized treatment. The use of zygomatic implants is dependent on several factors including the patient’s individual needs, the surgeon’s experience and expertise, and the availability of zygomatic implant systems.

Zygomatic implants are typically only used when traditional dental implants aren’t an option due to a lack of sufficient jawbone or other factors such as a high risk of implant failure. It’s estimated that zygomatic implants are used in a small percentage of dental implant cases.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long do zygomatic dental implants last?
Are there any risks associated with zygomatic dental implants?
How long does the recovery process take after zygomatic dental implant placement?
How long do zygomatic dental implants last?

Zygomatic dental implants are made of high-quality materials, and, with proper care, they can last a lifetime. However, just like traditional dental implants, the lifespan of a zygomatic implant can vary from patient to patient, depending on factors such as oral hygiene and overall health.

Are there any risks associated with zygomatic dental implants?

As with any surgical procedure, there are potential risks associated with zygomatic dental implant placement. These include:

  • Infection
  • Nerve damage
  • Implant failure

However, these risks are generally low when the procedure is performed by a qualified and experienced oral surgeon or dentist.

How long does the recovery process take after zygomatic dental implant placement?

The recovery process can vary from patient to patient, but most patients can expect to return to their normal activities within a few days to a week after the procedure. However, it may take several months for the implant to fully integrate with the bone and for the final restoration to be placed.

Restore Your Smile!

Achieve your dream smile and replace your missing teeth with zygomatic dental implants. To learn more about zygomatic dental implants and if they’re the best choice for your dental needs, contact your dentist today. If you live in the Farmington, NM, area, our dentist has the experience needed to help you achieve your dream smile. Contact us today.
